
Stucco Steel Panels for Self-storage Facility

Strukturoc metal wall panels are used across a wide variety of industries for many purposes. Silverhawk Self Storage in Murrieta, CA used our STK2000 steel wall panels as a part of their self-storage build.

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Steel Wall Panel Customizations

This particular job required custom wall panel color, and custom trims outside of our standard stock.

Stk2000 steel wall panels self storage

Benefits of Using Strukturoc Steel Wall Panels

This customer wanted the custom stucco texture look. They also wanted high strength and less maintenance, Struktroc was the only person in the market supplying a 20 gauge steel. Also, the faster install time using our panels allowed the job to be completed faster to get occupants quicker.

General contractors, engineers, and customers prefer our steel wall panels over regular stucco eifs because they don’t have to come back after a year to fix the cracks, and it is much less maintenance. We also provide a 20-year warranty.

It's time to go steel

A modern, functional, and visually appealing solution.
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