This article will show you the slip cover repair procedure for Strukturoc metal wall panels.
Watch the Installation Video:
Step 1 – Remove Overspray

- Use a brush or compressed air to remove as much overspray as possible from the two vertical edges of the damaged panel.
- Work from top to bottom and protect the surfaces of any adjacent panels while cleaning.
- Note that the panel cover has a 3/8 inch end and a ΒΌ inch end. The panel cover should be installed with the 3/8 inch end on the left side of the damaged panel.
Step 2 – Install Panel Slip Cover

- Insert the right edge of the panel cover first.
- Apply pressure to secure the left edge of the panel cover down into the panel joint.
Step 3 – Secure Panel Slip Cover

- Use the supplied blind pop rivets to secure the panel cover to the damaged panel’s face.
- Drill a hole and then attach the blind pop rivets to each side of the panel, centered at 24 inches apart.
- Use the supplied texture touch-up paint to cover the blind pop rivets.
This concludes the Strukturoc panel slip cover procedure. For additional product or installation information, don’t hesitate to contact us.